Friday, 16 November 2012

New Book launched at last!

Just thought I'd let you know my latest novel JOANNA is available to download at last as an eBook on Amazon Kindle UK and US. It's also available via Amazon De, Amazon Fr, Amazon Es and Amazon It, for those living abroad.

UK and US Links below:

Singapore 1969: Following a tragic miscarriage, Joanna finds her seemingly idyllic life with husband, Oliver, is slowly becoming a cruel illusion.

Back home in Hampshire, England and pregnant once more, she soon discovers Oliver is betraying her again with her old school-friend. With her world crumbling around her, a distraught Joanna sends him packing.

Recently widowed and also grieving the loss of his small son, loyal friend David, offers her an attractive business opportunity. With her mother’s help, Joanna successfully juggles single parenthood with a busy interior design career. She appears to “have it all”. Nonetheless, there’s something missing – the physical love of a good man. She eventually realises David is the one she wants, but are their feelings reciprocal?
Can two loyal friends become hot lovers, to finally bring passion back into both their lacklustre lives?
When 18 years later, heartbreaking tragedy strikes again, can Joanna possibly survive without love in her life any more? Can anyone ever fill that void again?
JOANNA is actually a spin off from A FACE TO DIE FOR, following the storyline of one of the lesser mentioned charcters in that novel. And so if you read and enjoyed that book, hopefully you will like this one too. However, both novels stand alone and can be read in any order.
I'll be officially launching the book on various forums and social websites in the next day or so. Please do take a look at it, and better still why not download it to read yourself!


Best wishes



Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Latest review

Hi Guys,
Just take a look at this fab review that been flagged up to me today! I'm over the moon with it!
ManicScribbler: Wednesday's Writer - Jan Warburton
A Face to Die For by Jan Warburton. I feel rather ... Jan Warburton is a gifted and knowledgeable writer and I know I will be reading more of her work. The main ...

By the way, I'm just about ready now to launch JOANNA... so watch this space. Any day now!

Monday, 5 November 2012


I'm almost ready now to upload my latest novel, "JOANNA" onto Kindle. So wish me luck in the process. It always gives me plenty of nightmares, because it's such a painstaking job to get it right.
Anyway, here's a bit about it (questions and answers were sent to me by Liz Gill who kindly invited me to do this). Thanks Liz. Her blog is: - Do check it out, and read all about her latest novel.
What is the title? "JOANNA". I'm expecting to release it on Kindle by the end of November 2012.

Where did the idea come from? It was my very first idea for a novel written over 16 years ago, but was put on the back burner after numerous attempts to find an agent or publisher with no success. It originally went through the RNA New Writer's Scheme as "GIRLS WHO LUNCH", but after a big revamp and several re writes in recent months, that early title just didn't seem appropriate any more.
It has now been completely re worked as a spin off sequel to my last novel "A FACE TO DIE FOR", which also went through the NWS a number of years ago under another title, and was published earlier this year on Amazon Kindle.

What genre does your book fall under? Romantic Women's Fiction.

Which actors would you choose to have in a movie of it? Difficult, because the book spans from late 1960's until early 1990s. I think possibly Sammy Winward ( currently Katie Macey in Emmerdale) or Emilia Fox for Joanna. Oliver, who only really features in the first half could possibly be played by Robert Pattinson.

What is the one sentence synopsis of your book? Not very good at this, but here goes...

Out of the tragedy of miscarriage and discovery of her husband's double betrayal, springs love and hope for the future, but can two long-standing, old friends eventually become red hot lovers?

Now then, I do hope that might tempt you to take a look once it's released!

Will it be self published or represented by an agency? Self published (under Tamarisk Publishing) as an eBook on Amazon Kindle, hopefully before the end of November.

How long did it take you to write the first draft? At least 2 years. Since then it's had many complete re writes.

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre? No idea. So, my best answer to this is that it is a spin off sequel to my earlier novel, A FACE TO DIE FOR. If you've read and enjoyed that already then you should like this. Both books can stand alone though, and be read in any order.

Who or what inspired you to write this book? My own acrimonious divorce, leaving me as a one parent family with two small kiddies, struggling to make a future for myself, way back  in 1975. It is however only very loosely influenced autobiographically. Joanna is most definitely NOT me! However, experiences I had living in exotic 1960's Singapore and the later background in the storyline of the beautiful New Forest, and Hampshire area, where I was born, and where I spent large chunks of my childhood, were hugely inspiring to write about in this novel  

What else about your book might pique the reader's interest? It's just an extremely heart-rending, romantic love story, with many twists and turns. Also anyone fascinated by interior design should find the business theme running through the book quite interesting. Some emotive content relating to a serious health issue in one part is particularly moving and was quite difficult for me to write for personal reasons. It's a relationship novel with which I'm sure many women will be able to empathise.